Holstein (US BAZA)


Updated data 12/2023


NAAB: 307HO00065  | Reg No: HONLD000571815696  | ŠT-REG: OBS-012
Altahotjob x Imax x Jedi |  DOB: 29.10.2019
Beta kaz: A1A2 |  Kappa kaz: AA | 
  • Perfect combination of excellent milk production and great type with high mastitis and metritis resistance
  • Low somatic cell count and nice productive life
  • Easy calving
  • GD lactation: 2.07 305d 12 273kgM 3.73% 458kgF  3.50% 430kgP 
    3.10 305d 13 416kgM 3.93% 528kgF 3.47% 465kgP


Indexes Production Type
TPI: 2678 Milk: 1744 PTAT: 1.69
NM$: 620 Fat: 63 UDC: 2
Cheese Merit$: 623 Fat%: -0.01 FLC: 0.5
Grazing Merit$: 0 Prot.: 54 Type rel%: 79
FE: 185 Prot.%: 0
Rezid. príjem krmiva: -53
DWP$: 0 Rel %: 0

Management Health
DCE: 1.4 HI: 6.1
GL: -1.3 Mastitis: 1.9
EFC: 0.4 Retained Placenta: -0.5
SSB: 6.6 Metritis: 2
DSB: 4.3 Milk Fever: -0.1
PL: 2.3 Ketosis: 2
LIV: 0.1 Displaced Abomasum: 0.4
Heifer LIV: 0.2 ZOETIS
SCS: 2.88 Mastitída: 0
FS: -69 Zadržaná placenta: 0
Spúšťanie mlieka: 103 Metritída: 0
Mliečna horúčka: 0
Fertility Ketóza: 0
FI: -2.4 Torzia slezu: 0
DPR: -3 Laminitída: 0
HCR: -0.9 Respiračné ochorenia kráv: 0
CCR: -2.9 Zmetanie kráv: 0
SCR: 0 Dvojčatá: 0
Cystické vaječníky: 0
Respiračné ochorenia teliat: 0
Hnačky teliat: 0
Prežívateľnosť teliat: 0

  • -2
  • -1
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
Stature Short
Tall 1.05
Strenght Frail
Strong 0.81
Body Depth Shallow
Deep 0.32
Dairy form Tight Ribb.
Open Ribb. 0.46
Rump Angle High Pins
Sloped -0.40
Thurl Width Narrow
Wide 1.02
Rear Legs-Side Posty
Sickle -0.85
Rear Legs-Rear Hocks-in
Straight 0.57
Foot Angle Low
Steep 1.50
Feet & Legs Low
High 0.68
F. Udder Att. Loose
Strong 2.11
Rear Udder Height Low
High 2.92
Rear Udder Width Narrow
Wide 2.63
Udder Cleft Weak
Strong 1.25
Udder Depth Deep
Shallow 1.45
F. Teat Plac. Wide
Close 0.79
R. Teat Plac. Wide
Close 1.30
Teat Lenght Short
Long -0.72

Updated data 12/2023